Instructions for Authors for publishing in Research in Pedagogy Journal

Research in Pedagogy Journal is published 2 times per year (in Jun and December) by the Serbian Academy for Education, Belgrade, Pedagogical Faculty in Vranje University of Nis and the Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov”, Vrsac. The Journal considers all manuscripts on condition they are the property (copyright) of the submitting author(s) and that copyright will be transferred to Research in Pedagogy Journal and the Preschool teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” Vrsac if the paper is accepted for publication.

The Journal Research in Pedagogy gives priority to empirical and applicable research, that is, research that is capable of being used in real educational settings. Studies in all settings for education – formal, informal; primary, secondary, higher; andragogy and whole life learning – are regarded as being of equal importance. All papers which appear in the Journal Research in Pedagogy have been thoroughly peer-reviewed.

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