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Research in Pedagogy is an international peer-reviewed journal, with an international editorial board. It is devoted to the publishing of original scientific papers which present the results of quantitative and qualitative empirical research, but also theoretical, applied, etc. The journal is published bianually (in December and Jun) and is bilingual (in the English language or the Serbian language).
The journal is published with the aim of arousing interest in pedagogic research and opening up possibilities to test and critically consider the reaches and limitations of more recent theoretical approaches, models and strategies in upbringing and education according to research findings. One of the intentions is to inspire, strengthen and empower communication among researchers in the region, as well as across all European countries and worldwide, with the research findings being a bridge between theoretical concepts and practice, providing practitioners with the opportunity to investigate their own work themselves, thus getting closer to the model of reflective practitioners. Furthermore, the purpose of the journal is to serve the actors involved in the educational policies reform often grounded on arbitrary assessments and supported by weak empirical arguments; on the other hand, great social changes have in the last decades of transition been seeking for scientific explication of pedagogic strategies context.
Časopis Srpske akademije obrazovanja – Beograd, Učiteljskog fakulteta u Vranju Univerziteta u Nišu i Visoke škole strukovnih studija za vaspitače „Mihailo Palov”– Vršac
Research in Pedagogy je međunarodno recenziran časopis, s međunarodnim uređivačkim odborom. Namenjen je objavljivanju originalnih naučnih radova, na srpskom ili engleskom jeziku, u kojima su predstavljeni nalazi kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih empirijskih istraživanja, ali i teorijskih, primenjenih i dr. Časopis izlazi dva puta godišnje (u decembru i junu).
Primarni cilj časopisa jeste da podstakne interes za istraživanja u pedagogiji, te da omogući da se nalazima testiraju i argumentovano kritički sagledavaju dometi i ograničenja novih teorijskih pristupa, modela i strategija u vaspitanju i obrazovanju. Namera je i da se podstakne i pojača komunikacija između istraživača u ovoj oblasti u regionu, Evropi i šire, kao i da nalazi budu most između teorijskih koncepata i prakse i omoguće praktičarima da i sami vrše provere u svome radu i tako sebe približe modelu refleksivnih praktičara. Svrha časopisa jeste i da posluži akterima u reformskim potezima obrazovnih politika koje su, neretko, zasnovane na paušalnim ocenama i sa slabom empirijskom argumenatacijom, a imajući u vidu to da velike društvene promene u poslednjim decenijama, vreme tranzicije – traže naučno rasvetljavanje konteksta za pedagoške strategije.
Research in Pedagogy Journal is published 2 times per year (in Jun and December) by the Serbian Academy for Education, Belgrade, Pedagogical Faculty in Vranje University of Nis and the Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov”, Vrsac. The Journal considers all manuscripts on condition they are the property (copyright) of the submitting author(s) and that copyright will be transferred to Research in Pedagogy Journal and the Preschool teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” Vrsac if the paper is accepted for publication.
The Journal Research in Pedagogy gives priority to empirical and applicable research, that is, research that is capable of being used in real educational settings. Studies in all settings for education - formal, informal; primary, secondary, higher; andragogy and whole life learning - are regarded as being of equal importance. All papers which appear in the Journal Research in Pedagogy have been thoroughly peer-reviewed.
Srpska akademija obrazovanja u Beogradu, Pedagoški fakultet u Vranju Univerziteta u Nišu i Visoka škola strukovnih studija za vaspitače „Mihailo Palov” u Vršcu objavljuju časopis Research in Pedagogy dva puta godišnje (u junu i decembru). Časopis razmatra sve radove, a pod uslovom da predstavljaju originalne radove autora koji prilaže/u rad i pod uslovom da se autorska prava prenesu na suizdavače ukoliko rad bude bio prihvaćen za objavljivanje.
Časopis Research in Pedagogy prednost daje empirijskim i primenjenim istraživanjima, odnosno onim istraživanjima čije rezultate je moguće koristiti u stvarnom obrazovnom okruženju. Studije koje se bave svim nivoima i tipovima obrazovanja – formalnim, neformalnim; osnovnim, srednjoškolskim, visokim; andragoškim i celoživotnim – smatraju se jednako značajnim. Svi radovi koji se pojave u časopisu Research in Pedagogy podrobno se recenziraju.